Saturday, 17 November 2012


So, apart from being very aware that I need to update this blog more often, there has been quite a lot of progress.

As far as my business module is going, I am halfway through writing my first-draft which is extremely stressful but promising.

The final project, which I'm sure people are more interested in, is moving along more slowly than originally anticipated which means the levels are going to have to be cranked up starting Monday morning. I'm using mortar rather than concrete now, which still allows me to use recycled aggregate and cement replacements. I am also looking at using come ink toners to try some crazy colours so will keep you posted on that!

The main question I have to ask is how would you react to a dining set that was made out of cement, sand and recycled concrete? What if that dining set was magenta or cyan? Guess someone lucky will find out soon enough!