Monday, 8 April 2013

Manufacturing the Body

Even before getting the final booklet back from Morna she had already stated that she wanted to have the stool body stripped back as she didn't like the marked white paint job and liked the idea of it having a worn metal look. Since this was the case manufacturing the stool started before the final idea booklet was sent back to me.

I tried to sand blast the stool first however after it didn't work I realised that the stool had been given a powder coating and this would either have to be sanded off, shot blasted, or removed chemically.

With a time and cost restraint it mean that shot blasting and a chemical dip were not feasible options to remove the powder coating and therefore I decided to sand off the powder coating.

After all of the paint had been sanded off, the body was put back into the sand blaster to give it a more brushed metal look as the sanding had given it a very glossy finish and after showing Morna both types she decided she would prefer the brushed look.

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